Technologies I have worked on
My Recent Project Works
Spotify Clone - Music nonstop

The "Spotify Clone" is my website project, a dummy version of the well-known music platform spotify, designed using HTML,CSS and Javascript . While it may not have the actual functionality, the project focuses on replicating the user interface and design elements of Spotify to provide a familiar browsing experience. Users can explore a selection of songs showcased on the clone website. The website's responsive design ensures seamless access from various devices, offering users a glimpse of the popular streaming service's interface.


This project aims to develop a Admission enquiry Chabot that answers any queries post by students like college details, course-related questions, location of the college, fee structure etc. Check the live website

University Landing Page

A landing page is a purpose-built web page designed to prompt visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. It typically includes a compelling headline, a clear call-to-action (CTA) button, key benefits, visuals, and trust-building elements. The design focuses on guiding visitors towards the desired action and minimizing distractions. A responsive design ensures compatibility across devices, and ongoing optimization is crucial for improving conversion rates. Check the live website


"Simon Says game" involves using HTML for the structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for the functionality. the game has four colored buttons (green, red, yellow, and blue). When you click the "Start Game" button, the game generates a sequence of button presses and plays it. Your task is to repeat the sequence by clicking the buttons in the correct order. The game gets progressively harder as you successfully complete each level. Check the live website

Temperature Converter

"Temperature Converter" is simple webpage created using javascript , Html, Css . Check the live website

And Many More...